Benoit Bousquet Apps

Nutrients Canada 1.2
Benoit Bousquet
Nutrients Canada brings the Canadian NutrientFile to Android.The application includes the full contents of the database(2010) prepared by Health Canada.Health Canada description of the CNF:"The Canadian Nutrient File (CNF) is a comprehensive, computerizedbilingual database that reports up to 150 nutrients in over 5807foods. The database can help you find values for nutrients such asvitamins, minerals, protein, energy, fat and many more, and isupdated periodically."Nutrients Canada displays the contents of the database in aconvenient hierarchical fashion and provides a search feature(global or within groups). Clicking on a specific food item willbring up a details page enabling you to obtain actual nutrientcontents for common servings or packaging. The actual nutritionalinformation is displayed in a familiar format that mimics theCanadian nutritional value label regulations.